Daycare: criteria for choosing it

The choice of the daycare for the child is a decision that parents must take calmly, after having analyzed all the aspects to take into consideration.

Choosing a child's daycare should be a decision that parents need to make carefully. Often, the problem is not so much which daycare to choose, as finding a place in the desired daycare

In choosing the daycare for the child, parents must take into account the affective climate, the type of relationship and welcome, among other things. Often, for convenience, the daycare closest to home is preferred, but it is also possible to opt for one close to work or to the grandparents. However, when choosing, many other aspects must be taken into account, such as the space, the proposed activities, the staff and the timetables. 

Criteria for choosing the childcare 


Daycares must have qualified staff. That is, the staff must have the required qualifications: degree in education and training sciences with a specific address for educators in early childhood education services, or a five-year degree in primary education sciences for the cycle (from 0 to 3 years) and degree in education sciences for the cycle (from 3 to 6 years). 

The timetables

In general, the daycare hours are quite flexible, divided between half-day and full-time, with the possibility of leaving the child to eat. It is the parents who choose the time their child has to stay in the daycare. Depending on their availability. However, it is advisable that the young do not stay more than seven hours in the childcare, as they also need to stay with the family. 

The spaces

The daycare must be located in an area for exclusive use, with independent access from the outside. Of course, all children need to have enough space. In addition, classrooms must be well ventilated and have sufficient natural light. The best thing is to have each classroom dedicated to one activity: the rest area, painting room, music room, etc. The space must not be very full or very empty, for the safety of even the little ones.

how to choose daycare
choosing daycare carefully
criteria to choose daycare
criteria to choose childcare

The set up, materials and games

It is important that the daycare guarantees maximum safety for the children. For this, it is necessary to avoid sharp edges and corners; if there are, they will need to be covered with foam rubber. In addition, sockets must be covered and located at a minimum height of 1.50 metres. As for the heating system, ground-based ones are better than conventional ones. 

With respect to setting up the daycare, it is important that the space is welcoming and allows the child to feel at ease. Therefore it is necessary to avoid the excess of stimuli. It is necessary to reduce or eliminate fixed arrangements and very strong colours, and it is better to favor wood. On the other hand, the environment must stimulate curiosity in a calm atmosphere. Slides and tricycles should be in the garden.

The reception in the first days

Specialists attach great importance to the period of insertion of the child in daycare and, in this, the parents have a very important role. This is one of the fundamental aspects for judging the quality of childcare, but in this case there are no rules, given that each daycare establishes a welcoming and integration model of which the parents must be informed. 

The activities

The day of the little ones at the daycare is marked by routine activities (lunch, diaper change, nap) and games. Time can be used in different ways and the routine of events is a very important element in the education of the child. A good daycare is characterized, above all, by the quality of its daily activities, rather than by the occasional ones, such as music lessons or learning a foreign language. What matters is the basis: the time dedicated to reading, free play, symbolic play and painting. The occasions in which children's curiosity is stimulated are also decisive. 

Parental participation

Parents need to participate and be active, stay informed and have a constant dialogue with their child's daycare educators. In this sense, they must always feel involved in the important choices, from the first contacts, through insertion up to periodic interviews.


Today, health guarantees are excellent in all daycares: what makes the difference is quality and taste. Furthermore, it must have a room that can be used for multiple uses, which in case of need can be used as a canteen. Parents have the right to be informed about what their child eats. In addition, the baby's diet must be developed by experts and modifications must be made for particular dietary needs.

The garden

Children need to be outdoors. The criteria on the mandatory size of the garden, also in proportion to the children present, is regional. However, it is essential that it has water and land to play with. This is a very important criterion that must be considered when choosing and best evaluating the daycare for the child. However, first of all, the garden must be safe, allowing the child to explore and have the right stimuli. You also need to make sure that you can use and access it easily. 

criteria choosing daycare
criteria to choose correctely daycaree

Strategies for special children

This requirement is also important for all families, including those without children with special needs. Indeed, it is essential that children grow up and are educated in an environment that transmits values ​​of coexistence, equality and integration. It is important to verify that children receive an education and training inspired by the aspects determined by the law, such as the values ​​of tolerance, solidarity, respect, equality, and in general, all the democratic principles of coexistence; as well as an education for health and respect for the environment. 

It is not always possible to meet all of the listed requirements, so these recommendations remain a guide. However, the more requirements are met, the closer we will be to finding the perfect daycare