Blog : latest news from our daycare

tips to overcome dificult initiation to daycare

What characteristics should a valid bilingual kindergarten have and what advantages does it have?

tips to overcome dificult initiation to daycare

Cultural Benefits of a Bilingual Daycare

The baby is always crying, refusing to eat or not sleeping. These are all effects that can occur if we go to daycare. We asked for some advice to manage the detachment well and live this moment serenely.

benefits of daycare for child

Kindergarten is a very important educational stage in a child's life. It is an experience that has a significant impact on the education and personal development of children and prepares them for a successful future. But what exactly is the first ever school and what are the goals it pursues ? In this article we will delve into what you need to know about this educational phase.

benefits of daycare for child

Because sending children to daycare is an extraordinary experience: all the advantages for the child

Here we are. You've signed up for daycare and your little one is about to take off for the first time.

Yet inside of you there is a part of the heart that fights with the brain with phrases like, "Why do you have to keep it away from the warmth of home and family ?"

tips first day of daycare

Some tips to face well the first day of daycare

The first day of daycare will always be a special moment for both parents and child. A step towards something new and unknown that the little one will face alone, perhaps for the first time. Some tips to better face this new experience.

when enroll child in daycare

Do we enroll our child in the daycare or not ?

Sometimes this question hides the fear of exposing the little one to experiences that are not suitable for his growth phase, or to a separation trauma. Research tells us instead that the daycare is an important resource for both the child and the family.

choice criteria daycare

Daycare: criteria for choosing it

The choice of the daycare for the child is a decision that parents must take calmly, after having analyzed all the aspects to take into consideration.